Cloudware Africa

Customer Stories

Ghana Water Company Limited Boosts Security and Efficiency with Seamless Sophos XGS 2100 Firewall Upgrade

Customer Name:

Ghana Water Company Limited


Water Utility Industry


Accra, Ghana


Sophos XGS 2100 Firewall

Microsoft Partner:

Cloudware Africa

Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) is a state-owned enterprise tasked with providing potable water to urban areas in Ghana. Established in 1999, GWCL manages 88 urban water supply systems, producing around 871,496 cubic meters of water daily to serve its customers.
The company operates under the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources and is overseen by an eleven-member Board of Directors. GWCL focuses on the development and maintenance of water infrastructure to ensure reliable and sustainable water supply across the country. 

The Pain Points: Navigating Network Security Upgrades

Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) faced a pressing need to overhaul its security infrastructure due to the impending end-of-life date for their existing XG 210 firewall on March 31st, 2025. Renewing the license for the XG 210 was not a feasible option, necessitating a transition to the newer, more advanced XGS 2100 firewall. The key pain points included: 
Transferring all configuration files from the XG 210 to the XGS 2100 without errors or data loss was critical.
Ensuring that the migration did not disrupt their water distribution services, which could impact thousands of customers.
Upgrading to a firewall that could offer better protection against evolving cyber threats. 
Keeping downtime to an absolute minimum during the cutover to maintain productivity and service quality. 

The Paradigm Shift

To address these challenges, GWCL partnered with Cloudware Africa to deploy the Sophos XGS 2100 Firewall. This marked a significant shift in their cybersecurity strategy, embracing a solution that not only met their current needs but also provided a foundation for future growth and security enhancements. Cloudware Africa’s expertise was pivotal in the deployment process, which involved: 
Our experts at Cloudware Africa conducted a thorough analysis of the existing infrastructure and created a detailed migration plan to ensure a smooth transition.
Utilizing specialized tools and expertise, we transferred all configuration files accurately from the XG 210 to the XGS 2100. 
Rigorous testing was performed to ensure the new firewall was configured correctly and all functionalities were operational before going live. 
Our team of experts executed the cutover to the new firewall with precision, ensuring minimal disruption to ongoing operations. 

Accepting Transformation

The adoption of the Sophos XGS 2100 Firewall brought a multitude of benefits to GWCL, significantly enhancing their operational capabilities and security posture. Key benefits included: 
The XGS 2100 Firewall provided robust, next-generation security features, safeguarding against sophisticated cyber threats. This included advanced threat detection and response capabilities, which helped GWCL stay ahead of potential security breaches and attacks.
The improved performance and reliability of the new firewall enhanced overall IT infrastructure efficiency. By reducing latency and improving response times, the XGS 2100 Firewall ensured that GWCL’s network operations ran smoothly and efficiently, supporting their business processes more effectively.
The XGS 2100 Firewall offered greater scalability, enabling GWCL to easily expand and adapt their security framework as their needs evolved. This flexibility was crucial for accommodating future growth and ensuring that their security measures could keep pace with the increasing demands of their operations.
The meticulous planning and execution of the migration ensured that downtime was kept to an absolute minimum, allowing GWCL to continue their operations without significant interruptions.

A New Horizon: Achieving Remarkable Outcomes

Post-adoption, GWCL experienced significant improvements across multiple facets of their operations. The successful deployment of the Sophos XGS 2100 firewall resulted in: 
The advanced capabilities of the new firewall led to enhanced operational efficiency, improving productivity and service delivery. 
The transition from the XG 210 to the XGS 2100 was executed flawlessly. All configuration files were successfully transferred, ensuring that there were no disruptions during the cutover. 
The robust security features of the XGS 2100 provided superior protection against a wide range of threats. By reducing the risk of security breaches and improving operational resilience, GWCL could achieve greater financial stability and confidence in their IT infrastructure.

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